How I work
I’ve always thought that my lettering solutions function nearly as much as an illustration as it does a written conveyor of information. The style and ambiance of good lettering reinforces the message or adds another dimension to it without having to say it.
So the first step is collecting information about the lettering project from the client: anything from a brief and comps, to a slew of adjectives describing the project. Research, strategy, creative direction, an intellectual understanding and accumulation of information are all important before I put a tool to paper.
Sketches or comps
Comps are fairly tight renderings created for presentation and decision purposes. At the literal desktop, I assimilate and submerge all the acquired information and let my lettering diva loose knocking out ideas with pen, brush, marker, crayon, and anything else that might be effective for the job at hand.
I select both my favorite solutions and the ones that most specifically fit the client’s criteria: as often as not they choose a direction I’ve explored, instead of the one that they pointed me in. I scan my sketches, touch them up a minor amount in Photoshop and e-mail the black and white jpegs or psd files to the client, meeting or more often exceeding the agreed upon number of comps.
Based upon the client’s feedback and input, we work toward a final solution. Depending on the number of pairs of eyes needed for approval, refinement can be very swift or it can entail additional rounds of comps and tweaking at an additional fee.
Final art is provided as an Illustrator vector file, or in the case of a font it is provided in the platform and format (Postscript, Opentype) that the client needs. The vector art is delivered as B&W art unless otherwise agreed upon, and is easily scalable, colorable, placeable by the designer. It is e-mailed to the client.
All projects are based upon the time I estimate it will take to complete it and how the project will be used. Every job is unique and so are the prices.
I often will do just one or two of the phases of a job and will price it accordingly (only comps, only refine and finish a client’s sketch, etc). I will gladly break down the pricing on a job into phases at a client’s request.
A buyout, or complete ownership of the art is often added for brand identities based upon the range of use and my contribution.
Tips for a good job with me:
1. Provide comps of your project whenever possible. I love reading and seeing briefs, scripts and books as well, although it’s fairly rare that I get to. Be sure to have all copy proofread, all names/titles cleared through the proper authorities before beginning a logo project.
2. Provide me with a written description of the job (an e-mail is good): what it is, how it will be used, your time line and budget/cost. Putting everything in writing helps to make sure we are both on the same track.
3. Provide me with a PO and all paperwork that needs to be done up front before job begins. No contractual surprises is a good thing.
You will be one of my absolutely most favorite clients if you remember to send me a printed piece (a sample) that includes my lettering in use after the project is finished.